

Hubbell was here.

2 boxes of mass market paperbacks shelved.


The storage unit over at Public Storage was broken into. They cut the lock messed around inside, opened a bunch of boxes, and likely disappointed to find books. Then they put a new lock on the door. Must have happened sometime within the last month. Was thinking of moving to another storage place anyway...
Ran around town getting a new lock, and other errands.

Hubbell was here.

Processed one box of minor collectables.


Bestsellers of the day = Romance.

Hubbell was here.

Processed 4 boxes of minor collectables.

Tried to put some stuff into storage, but there was a problem.


Packed the online orders.

Bestsellers of the day = Romance.


Paid BOE sales taxes.

Worked on Diamond orders.

Tried to get a few collectable books processed but the art of books was down for a while.


Bestsellers of the day = Self Help.

Packed the online orders.

Shelved a few collectable books.

Sorted several boxes, and stacks.


Bills, bills, bills & accounting...

David was here.

Sorted 3 or 4 boxes.

Bestsellers of the day = Religion.


Bestsellers of the day = Fiction.

Packed the online orders.


Bestsellers of the day = mass market paperbacks - fiction & mystery.

Shelved a few collectable military & art books.

Hubbell was here.

Sorted 3 or 4 boxes.


Finished packing the online orders from yesterday.

Hubbell was here.

A box of minor collectables was processed.

Bestsellers of the day = massmarket paperback fiction novels.


Started packing the online orders.


Pouring rain all morning, and again in the evening.

Shelved a few rare books.

Fixed images online.


Pouring rain all morning, but it slacked off in the evening.

Packed the online orders again.

Purchased some CDs and DVDs, and some entertainment books.

David was here again.

Processed another box or so of minor collectable books.


Pouring rain all morning, but it slacked off in the evening.

Packed the online orders.

David was here.

Processed a box of minor collectables.


Shelved 4 boxes of mass market paperbacks.

Hubbell was here.

Bestsellers of the day = Games.

Raining, but the roof didn't leak.


Took in a few TV books.

Hubbell was here.

Shelved 3 boxes of mass market paperbacks.

Bestsellers of the day = Kids books.


Finished packing the online orders.

Hubbell was here.

Processed a box of collectable paperbacks, some military stuff, some vintage romance, etc.


Packed some of the online orders, will have to do the rest tomorrow.


Finished packing the online orders, just in time for the Postman.

Bestsellers of the day = Fiction.

Spent most the day with IRS agent, still about 2007.
Didn't get anything for the store done.


Packed most of the online orders.

Bestsellers of the day = Fantasy.


Bestsellers of the day = Archaeology.

Paid bills.

David was here.

Processed a box of moderately collectable books.


Bestsellers of the day = Harry Potter.

Packed the online orders.


Shelved a stack of Military, a stack of some older Fiction hardcover, and some various other hardcover or Trade paperback books.

Hubbell was here.

Shelved another 2 boxes of moderately collectable books of all genres.

The Reptile store has moved, they hauling out the cases all weekend.


Shelved some Toys, Collectable mass market paperbacks, Art, Art How-To, and Military books.

Hubbell was here.

Processed and shelved 2 boxes of various non-fiction, and some fiction/SF/Fantasy 1st edition hardcovers.

Bestsellers of the day = Science Fiction.


Took in a few vintage fiction hardcovers.

Packed the online orders.

Bestsellers of the day = Ships/Fishing.


Purchased some Star Trek action figures still MOC and shelved them.

Processed some slightly collectable mass market paperbacks.


Purchased some Health books, and fiction.

Packed the online orders.

Bestsellers of the day = Fantasy fiction.


Nearly finished shelving the Art, Art-How, & Military books purchased in the last several days.

David was here.



Shelved another box/stack of Art & Art How-to.

Bestsellers of the day = Disney Kids books.

Hubbell was here.

Packed the online orders.


Shelved 5 boxes of books; classics, 1st edition hardcover fiction, cookbooks, military, California history, hunting, more.

Hubbell was here.

Shelved about a box of Art, Art How-to, and military books.


Happy New Year!

Purchased some kids books.

Bestsellers of the day = Military History.

Well it's 2010... Superstition says that whatever happens on New Year's day will set the trend... so make sure to read a book.