
Purchased a stack of comics, sort of beat up, but ok titles.

Traded some mmpbs, and a stack to tpbs.

Summer Youth in the morning, Hubbell in the evening.

Shelved a few collectable items.


Filing , bah.

Summer Youth in the morning, Hubbell in the evening.

Sorted 4 or 5 boxes.

Shelved a few minor collectables.

Shelved a small stack of Signed Comic Books.


We did some maintenance, in the back room mostly.

Shelved a few signed comics/graphic novels.

BOE taxes.


Processed & packed the online orders.

Shelved a long box of comics, lots of Wonder Woman, and Superman.

Summer Youth.

Processed 5 boxes.


Finished packing online orders.

Summer Youth.

Processed 4 or 5 boxes.


Caught up on the online orders, mostly.

2 Summer Youth today.

Processed 4 or 5 boxes.


No Buying or Trading until Monday the 26th

The buyer will be out until Monday the 26th, so we will not be doing any buying or trading until then.

All 3 summer youth were here, lots of books checked, around a box of comics shelved, National Geographics organized.


All three Summer Youth were here.

We shelved a box of comic books, lots of Marvel & DC titles late 90's and up to 2010.

Sorted around 10 boxes.

Priced much of the National Geographics.


We shelved a box of nice newer or popular mass market paperbacks.

Processed and packed the online orders.

Shelved another long box of comics, lots of indie titles, among some Malibu, and Heroic comics.

Samuel was here.

Summer Youth Program.

Hubbell was here.

Shelved a small pile of minor collectable books.


We shelved a long box of comics, lots of 90's Image titles, among them.

Sorted and shelved several boxes of books.

2 Summer Youth.


Shelved several boxes of mmpb's and several boxes of Hardcover & tpb's all inexpensive books, and half a short box of comics.

All 3 Summer Youth and Hubbell were here.


Processed and packed the online orders.

Supervised Summer Youth Program.

We shelved 2 boxes of hardcover/trade paperback books, all subjects, lots of classics, and 1 box of mmpb's lots of romance.

Sorted 5 or 6 boxes.


Answered emails.

Summer Youth Program #3.

Shelved 4 boxes of mass market paperbacks, the fiction sections are now very well stocked with all the popular authors.


Shelved 2 boxes of mass market paperbacks.

Summer Youth Program.


Shelved 3 or 4 boxes of mass market paperbacks.

Summer Youth Program.

Processed & packed the online orders.


Dragster Expo and Cars Show

5th Annual Bixby Knolls Dragster Expo and Cars Show today. Quite a crowd out there.
Summer Youth Program.

Loaded the $1.00 cart, sorted 2 boxes & shelved 2 boxes of mass market paperbacks.

Hubbell was here.

Shelved around a half shelf of minor collectables.


Car Show Tomorow

Processed & packed the online orders.

Answered a few emails.

Summer Youth.

Sorted 4 boxes of books.
Shelved 2 boxes of mass market paperbacks.

Hubbell was here.
Shelved a half of stack of collectable books.


Renewed craigslist ads.

Summer Youth program.

Cleaned up the store a bit.

Paid bills.

We shelved 3 boxes of Hardcover & trade paperbacks, all subjects, a stack of Business books, and some literature.

Purchased a big box of literature, and a small stack of fiction.


new maps

Purchased a large box of CDs, shelved around half of them already.

Processed and packed the online orders and buybacks.

Summer Youth program started.

We finally printed up some new tri-fold booklet/maps.

James donated another box of stuff.


Purchased six batches of books, Art, Literature, Textbooks, Self Help, Young Adult.

Hopefully fixed an error on the phone bill.


Happy Indepence Day

Processed and pack a slew of online orders.

Hubbell was here.

Processed about 6 boxes.


Purchased several loads of books, some Self-Help, Business, Literature, and Paranormal Romance/Fantasy.


First Fridays III

So it's been 2 months at the Long Beach location now.

Had a fair number of people pass though the store for First Friday, and not too few made a purchase. There were a few overly rambunctious kids, and we did have to spend some time cleaning up after them, but nothing much was broken. The music was very loud, but the door is thick and it only blasted when people were entering &/or exiting. The receipts weren't spectacular, but respectable.

Shelved 2 boxes of comic books, lots of Daredevil, various X-Men/Wolverine books, Spider-man, and more, most of them from the late 80's.

Hubbell was here.

Shelved 3 boxes of mmpb's.

Elvis Ultraman & Werewolf-Elvis Ultraman were in attendance.


First Fridays tomorrow, stop by for FREE BOOKS

First Fridays tomorrow, stop by for FREE BOOKS.

Processed & packed the online orders.

Messed about with computer recovery some more.

Playing Pandora.