Purchased 5 or 6 boxes of mostly paperbacks, & a small stack of vintage books.
Caught up answering emails.
A. A. Milne was born this day in 1882.
Books of the day:
012427 An Expotition to the North Pole A.A. Milne; Illustrator-E.H. Shepard 416216900 Mammoth 10/8/1981 Paperback "Staplebound softcover pamphlet style booklet. Rubbing to corners, shelf wear, creases to the spine." Young Adult "012427.jpg">
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"The Development of Law on the Rocky Mountain Frontier: Civil Law and Society, 1850-1912 (Contributions in Legal Studies)" Gordon Morris Bakken 313232857 Greenwood Press 7/30/1983 Hardcover Some dogeared pages. Highlighting to about a dozen page.. Law "011998.jpg">
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