Shelved almost a full box of old DC and some Marvel War comics at the bottom of the Military section 1960's-1970's era.
Born on this date: 1804 – Nathaniel Hawthorne.
Item of the day:
*Signed* Daredevil #14-16, 20 and 25 (set of 5 issues)
David Mack
Click to Purchase on Biblio"*Signed* Daredevil #14-16, 20 & 25 (set of 5 issues)
Click to Purchase on eBay"*Signed* Daredevil #14-16, 20 & 25 (set of 5 issues)
Click to Purchase on ABE Books"*Signed* Daredevil #14-16, 20 & 25 (set of 5 issues)